Values Based Investing
Money is connected to everything that we do, and our investments impact the world around us. We are passionate about helping our clients align their investments with their personal ethics and beliefs, and using capital to drive positive change. Corporations have increasingly realized that they play a powerful role in shaping the future of our planet and society; they have the resources and influence to help solve some of our world’s most pressing issues. From an investment perspective, companies and entities are often evaluated based on their response and relationship to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues:
Do Good. Do Well.
It is encouraging to see corporations displaying leadership in many of these areas. While no company is perfect, many have extended their purpose beyond profit and consider the impact of the business on all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, communities and investors. We enjoy visiting with our clients about these issues, and helping them find investments to promote societal good as well as financial return.